
Friends and colleagues:

During the last few months, I have been working intensively on an online electrocardiography course aimed mainly at medical students, although it is also intended for nursing students, paramedics, general practitioners, and even specialists in internal medicine and other related disciplines who wish to learn electrocardiography. This course is free, it is not sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry or anyone else. It has no hidden commercial interest.

Several reasons motivated me to do this:

(1) I am convinced that the society of the 21st century is based on global cooperation, that is, it is based on a scheme in which everyone who has something they consider valuable must share it with others. I feel then that I must hand over the knowledge that I have accumulated for decades… not only about electrocardiographic but also about the right way to teach these things.

(2) As much as I search on the web, I have not been able to find teaching material on this subject that has the necessary quality, nor has it been designed for the internet and adapted to the needs and expectations of the modern student.

(3) The enormous contribution that individuals like Salman Khan (with his Khan Academy), organizations such as Coursera, EDX, and others, and even colleagues like Leonardo Coscarelli (who has taught anatomy to millions of Spanish-speaking students) makes me think that education is being transformed in front of our eyes and that it is our duty to join this scheme.

(4) Last but not least, the Internet should not leave our native language behind. Very little serious teaching material is available in Spanish and, believe me, it will always be easier for Spanish-speaking people to study in their own language. Now I´m adding English subtitles to serve a wider audience.

Believe it or not, my only and best payment will be for you to improve your knowledge of electrocardiography.